Saturday, December 25, 2004

The Christmas Presents

Wow, today is a special day. We doggies don't really know why but we are getting all kinds of delicious treats, bones, and toys! I can't blog much today because I'm busy playing with my presents and making sure the other dogs don't steal them.


At 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous barked...

He sounds like a wonderful dog, with a most wonderful human! Welcome to the DM group; we will help all we can. Harriet and her Cappy, who has been gone since 9/13/2004.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Unknown barked...

Hi Sam,
I had the worry of another dog getting my stuff too. My human went so far to say I was obsessed with it yesterday. But the good news is, I shared my new toys a little bit, but I retained ownership of all of them!

Anyway, what a great Christmas I had - sounds like you raked in the treats and toys too.

All the best,


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