Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Difficult Days

We've been having difficult days -- and nights. My tummy keeps acting up and my poop is soft and runny. Since I can't walk sometimes this can create a big mess. Mom has to clean everything up, often in the middle of the night when I wake up and whine. I know Mom has been sneaking stuff she calls "pills" into my food -- I don't care as I will eat anything -- she says these are supposed to help me get better.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger MB barked...

Sam, I hope you feel better soon.

- Touille, a small dog

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Brandi Mills barked...

Poor Sammy. I'm sorry that you're feeling poorly. Hopefully these new pills will help you out.

I don't like pills, myself. Like Ms. Maddie, I'll spit them out. Of course, if Mom would just put them in some cheese...nah. I'd still spit them out.

Sometimes I'm a bad poopsie.

-Woof! (China)

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous barked...

I had the poopies a couple of times, and I didn't like it too much. I don't know why I get icky poopies, but some people think it's because I like to go swimming in water that isn't always fresh & clean. Mom used to give me pills in my food, but then I realized I can eat the food & leave the nasty pills in there. Now she sticks them way back in my throat. I can still keep from swallowing them 5 out of 6 times. It's a talent.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger L^2 barked...

Hi Sam,
We're sorry to hear that you're not feeling well & we hope you get well soon too!
--Willow & Stella


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