The Life of a Dog: Sam's posts from 8/26/04 through 10/5/05
This blog is by Sam, the beautiful all-black German Shepherd Dog. Nearly 300 posts chronicle his life from the day he was rescued from the Humane Society, to the day he took his final nap, a period of 13 1/2 months. Most entries are written by Sam himself; a few are written by his pet guardian.
Sam the beautiful all-black German Shepherd Dog on 2/5/05

Sam in his personal heaven. Thanks to China and her human for creating this portrait. (Click on the picture to make it larger.)

Remembrance of Sammy by Tami from the DM list. (Click on picture to make it larger.)

Awww, what a great portrait of Sammy in heaven! I'm glad there are lots of nice ripe bananas!
Rest in Peace, Sammy. You taught us a lot about how to live in dignity. Our hearts go out to Cynthia and Elsa, Buffy and the rest of your animal family.
Pimm & Family
I wrote something for Sammy. Please stop by. You may just see him again in my story.
Chow, Heidi
what a beautiful, and fitting tribute. i am just sorry i didnt find Sammy to visit earlier.
Good night sweet Sam... We say our purrayers for Sam's family.
BTW... our Mom said that Sam couldn't have asked for a better human companion...
I just found your blog today. Hugs to Sammy's mom and family. My family lost our beautiful girl, Kia, a lovely black-and-tan German Shepard on 10/6/2005. I didn't think the pain of losing my best friend would be so great. Like Sammy, Kia was the bestest German Shepard.
Hi Sammy's Mom,
Freda and I are putting together a Dog Blog Calendar, and we would like for Sammy to be in it. We want the proceeds of the sale of the calendar to go to an animal charity - you can vote for one of 3 animal charities to get the proceeds, just come to my blog.
Hello, Sam's mom - come to my blog and find out about the Dog Blog Calendar! We want to include Sammy!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, both furry and otherwise. =^..^=
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South!
Thanks for your encouragement and stopping by! God bless you richly! Baron the loving oldtimer gsd <><
Hey Sam! Oh gawsh! It's great to find a german shepherd who blogs! =) I'm Ninja, and I was wondering if you'd like to be 'internet pals'! Please visit my site, and I'll link you back & you can link me (if you wish. I hope we become great pals.
Sorry, I wasn't finished reading the entry. It's sad to hear that you died. You'll still be my pal ven though you left me to the raindbow bridge. R.I.P buddy.
Enjoyed reading the blog and seeing the pictures of your beautiful GSD, Sam.
I have had four wonder GSDs share my life and now with no. 5, Shaka. His life was like Sams in that he was about to be put to sleep at a shelter, but was luckily rescued by a lady who takes in GSDs and anything that resembles one.
(His owner had died and he would not let anyone in the house including the police. So, they shot him with a tranquilizer and took him to the shelter. He was considered a "mean, will bite" dog.)
I heard about him through the GSD Rescue of VA, was interviewed by him, and adopted him soon thereafter.
He is a wonderful companion and has traveled up and down the east coast. He and I have had many interesting
experiences in the woods. Two summers ago, he and I saw a mother bear with two cubs while hiking in the GW National Forest. He was quiet and we just watched for several minutes from a safe distance. I have a cabin that borders the GWNF where we spend about four days each month. The rest of the time I take him for hikes in my neighbor's woods or along the old tow path next to the Potomac River, near where we live full time.
My most recent previous GSDs were Tyler and Striker. Like your guy, Striker developed DM during the last six months of his life. While he lost the ability to walk, he pulled himself around with his hind legs. I "tail walked" him to take him out as he would have nothing to do with any type of harness or support. In early Novermber 2003, he was developed lymphatic cancer. Since he was already disabled, I could not see giving him chemo. I took him for his last trip to the GWNF and the cabin on Thanksgiving weekend. He slept beside me as he always did. I took him into the forest and drove past a beautiful lake. I told him to enjoy looking at the lake as it would be his last visit. After passing the lake, I drove down an old logging road that I frequented. I got him out of the truck so he could smell the leaves and pine needles. After a while, I helped him back in the truck, we drove past the lake for the last time and back to the cabin. At the place where he touched the forest for the final time, I attached a memorial to a pine tree. It includes his picture, his name, the date of his last visit. I stop by this place every time I'm there as I call it "Striker's Place". He had to be put down the first week of December as the cancer had caused him to use the use of his front legs too. He was only 8.5 years old.
His big brother Tyler, 125 lbs., was with me for about 9.5 years. He had a tremendous bark that really got people's attention.
Unfortunately, as his vet pointed out, being the largest size in a breed is not conducive to long life. Tyler died suddenly of an intestinal infection 3 years ago this weekend, Labor Day 2003. All of my GSDs have been cremented and their ashes are in nice wooden boxes in the sunroom. Tyler's is the biggest box since he was the biggest GSD.
I do hope that by now you have a new GSD in your life. I was certainly very lonely between the time Striker departed and Shaka joined me. They are all wonderful companions.
81 Trekker
Hi Cynthia,
Have only just come across Sam's blog. I was very moved by his story and he must have been a great dog.
He was really lucky to have had you.
God bless...
My all black German Shepherd Ko looks just like your baby.
Her blog is here
I came across your blog today by chance and I am really touched by your Sammy. He seemed truly blessed to have such a wonderful owner.
He is a beautiful boy, god speed Sammy!
Best wishes,
What a clever idea! I'm so glad there are owners in the world like yours, Sam! I'll betcha they feel just as blessed as you do!
I found your blog through Google and found out that you have done a great job on the blog. RIP Sammy.
By the way, I own a site that has a page about Rottweiler (German Shepherd Puppy Training and Dog Pictures). You may submit your sammy's photo and write a story at the bottom of the page. Then, I will publish your story there. I believe that other German Shepherd's Owners love to hear from you. ;-)
Sammy was such a beautiful DOG.I'm he is having plenty of bananas in heaven!
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